Assembly, final testing, packaging and shipping
BlackBelt FDM 3D Printer
Increasing connectivity and digitalization will revolutionize the way industries develop, manufacture and deliver products and services.
Everything becomes smarter, more effective and more efficient. Rapid prototyping, highly customized solutions using 3D printing will result in increased productivity and provide great opportunities for manufacturers, suppliers and customers.
Blackbelt 3D aims to make these opportunities available to people in all industries and work environments. This is the basis of the passion at Blackbelt 3D.

Within the markets in which TSG Group acts such as 3D printing, it also happens that developments have already taken place and that a scaling up to production has to take place.
This also happened at BlackBelt 3D, which as a scaleup has outgrown the status of a startup. The Blackbelt printer is a unique 3D printer that prints on a carbon conveyor belt and is therefore able to print long objects, manufacture hollow products without internal supports or to run 24/7 production.
This unique 3D printer has an angled print bed that allows theoretically endless printing of objects. The gantry is adjustable in 4 positions: 15°, 25°, 35° and 45° towards the carbon conveyor belt.

Why this is necessary? The function of the Z-axis is in this case taken care of by a displacement of the conveyor belt, the X-movement runs horizontally while the Y-movement runs obliquely upwards.
The advantage of printing at an angle is that printing can be done without interruptions while the product exits the conveyor belt and continues on a roller conveyor. Another advantage is that the print bed does not have to be emptied in case of serial production because parts can fall into a bin or box behind the belt while the printer is busy with the next print job.
This FDM printer was produced, tested, packed and shipped in-house at TSG Group's order and on request from the customer.
End of March 2022 the Belgian company OMD3D has taken over Blackbelt 3D from our customer and production is transfered.