Product Visualizations
Nog vóórdat er een prototype is gemaakt kan met behulp van digitale visualisaties in een vroeg stadium van het productontwikkelingsproces een fotorealistische impressie van de beoogde vormgeving worden gerealiseerd. Dit wordt ook wel een render of rendering genoemd.
The importance of visualizations
Such visualizations are a very strong tool when making decisions in the field of appearance, design and experience of the product. This allows potential challenges to be identified and addressed at an early stage.
For example, our visualizations have often been of decisive value in the past to attract investors for a new product or concept.

Want to know more about product visualizations? Our experts are happy to tell you more about this topic!
Visualizations as a marketing tool
In addition to visualisations, we also make moving animations. Both are increasingly used for different purposes when no product is (yet) available. For example, for marketing purposes with a moving animation on a website, renders as input for user manuals or as graphic design for packaging.